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One Hundred Angels estĆ” proporcionando fondos para matrĆcula, libros, suministros, terapia del habla, transporte y almuerzos para niƱos en MĆ©xico y El Salvador. Cuando estas familias buscaron ayuda, nos dimos cuenta de que tenĆamos que hacer todo lo que estuviera a nuestro alcance para apoyar a estos jĆ³venes en su viaje educativo. Nuestro objetivo es aumentar nuestro alcance y proporcionar ayuda de un fondo educativo a mĆ”s paĆses para que podamos garantizar que estos niƱos tengan la oportunidad de crear un futuro brillante y prĆ³spero.
Great strides have been made in the past two decades in access to education throughout Latin America, but the majority of children in the region are still not receiving a high-quality and relevant education. As a result, too many Latin American youth entering the labor force lack the skills necessary to find dignified work and participate in an increasingly competitive, information-rich and globalized economy.
Great strides have been made in the past two decades in access to education throughout Latin America, but the majority of children in the region are still not receiving a high-quality and relevant education. As a result, too many Latin American youth entering the labor force lack the skills necessary to find dignified work and participate in an increasingly competitive, information-rich and globalized economy.
Levels of inequality in Latin America are some of the highest in the world. Employers cannot find enough qualified people to fill open positions. This profound human resource mismatch is suppressing economic growth and perpetuating a system of haves and have-nots. Unequal societies are less efficient at converting growth into poverty reduction. In Latin America, the education gap mirrors the income gap between rich and poor.
The goal of One Hundred Angels is to increase our reach and provide aid from an education fund to additional countries so that we can ensure that these children have the chance to create a bright and prosperous future. We would love to have you join us by committing to help these children earn an education.

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